P. G. Wodehouse's - The Inimitable Jeeves

Genre - Humor
Rating - 4/5
** Genre and Rating added on Sachin's suggestion. Thanks dude! **
After getting all goody-goody reviews about P. G. Wodehouse's series from my friends, I finally laid my hands on this one. Needless to say that I liked it.
This collection of tales is about Bertie Wooster and his butler - Jeeves. Though Bertie is Oxford- graduate, he is reffered as dimwitted many a times for his inability to solve the problems he created for himself. Jeeves on the other hand is very unfaltering and kinda know-all guy who incessantly hauls his master from the soup. He is more than like a source of solace to Bertie. I was overwhelmed to see the contacts Jeeves has in every corner of the world. His friend's net is spread so well that he is well advanced equipped with the information that his master wishes to tell him.
Bertie' s world is full of eccentric poeple and in the efforts to help these people Bertie slips into the pit of hilarious troubles. U are bound to get sporadic fits of laughter while reading this book. Bertie's problems are depicted well enough to make them appear real. Unlike other humorous novel, I found this one to be less exaggerated.
About the author, I can say that he knows his readers well... and 'The Inimitable Jeeves" was great introduction to the Wodehouse series. I look forward to read more !!
Nice profile and profile picture.
Well, read-o-meter is now gonna help me with what to read ;)
Good idea! Keep the reviews coming :)
good idea..i've been thinking about doing this for some time now..i didnt know that you liked reading...i love it too.. :)
~Mrinmayee: Thanks!
~Sampada: Was kinda inspired from ur blog too ..so thanks :)
~Victim: Do start one!!! Sachin told me about ur love for reading;)
Hmmm.... I am a big time Woodhouse fan, too! I guess each one who reads Wodehouse, is a Wodehouse fan! Interestingly, I first began to read Wodehouse after reading about his works in Pu. La. Deshpande's books. You will be amazed by the reviews P.L. has written about Wodehouse. He very charmingly brings out the subtleties and intricacies of Wodehouse's characters. Wodehouse was his inspiration.
Great to see a creative blog like this! Keep up the good reading... Do you plan to write about Marathi books as well?
Cool! This is great effort! So now I can talk over the books I never read to impress people [;)]
Btw..some suggestions..
1. Author - blog title should be same as book title, put Author seperately
2. Category - genre under which books falls
3. Rating - ur personal rating on scale of 1 to 5
4. Link to Author's webpage if any
Oh I forgot to mention, the punch line for the blog - 'Not for Glory, Not for Fake, I write these reviews.. For my own Sake!!' is tooooo good!
~Anonymous: Thanks for stopping by! And THANK YOU for that info about Pu. La and Wodehouse. Now I can see the familarity in their work! Here, in US, I dont get to read Marathi books much. So, unfortunately, will have to stick with English books.
~Sachin: Good suggestions. Will implement them. And about punch line- I must confess I tweaked that childhood lines we used to write on the first page of our books - Not for glory, Not for fame, Just for safety I wrote my Name :)
Hey... that was me - Priya. Just forgot to mention my name! :)
~Priya: I thot so. But me too forgot to scrap u and ask ;)
I might say I am sitting on the top of the world having rainbow around my shoulders.
P.G.Wodehouse one of my favourite
~Harekrishnaji : Havnet met anybody who doesnt like P.G Wodehouse :))
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