All In One
Robert James Waller's - Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend
Genre - Romantic
Rating - 3.0/5
I was impressed by Robert Waller's 'Bridges of Madison County' and immediately bought this book as soon as I saw it. But this book turned out to be a little disappointing. It was little romantic but it fails to touch your heart the way Bridges of Madison County does. Lesson Learned - Do not read second book of the author if you really liked his / her first book.
Paul Reiser's - Couplehood
Genre : Hilarious
Rating : 3.0/ 5
This book is about short, day-to-day incidents in husband-wife's life. I felt it to be a good, relaxing read at the start but as I advanced through pages, the books started losing its charm. The excessive use of 'hyperbole' at places made it little lackluster. Its a good book to read if you want to kill your time
Salman Rushdie's - East West

Genre : Short stories
Rating : 3.5
I was very excited to read this book. First two stories are really good but after that it really became difficult to read. This book is certainly not for me. I could feel the richness of the language but was not able to clearly understand what author wants to tell. At times I tried reading the same sentence twice-thrice but was not able to grasp the meaning. I thought his language to be very profound and now I do not want to read any of his books. I know I am not doing justice to the author but........ I can't help!
Arundhati Roy's - The God of Small Things

Genre : Fiction
Rating : 4.5 /5
It is the story about the fraternal twins who reunite after some 23-24 years. Story takes us back and forth in their present and past life. I somehow had wrong impression of this book and was glad it turned out a lot better than what I had expected. Story revolves around lot of relations (which are named in Malayalam) Fortunately I had a Malayali colleague and was able to understand what those words meant. Otherwise it would have been a little confusing :) I would certainly recommend this book.
Bill Watterson's - The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes

Genre : Hilarious
Rating : 5.0 / 5
Do you really need any review on this??? :)
Kaavya Vishwanathan's - How Opal Mehta got kissed, got wild and got a life

Genre : Fiction
Rating : 4.0 / 5
It is about a teenager whose parents have just one dream - How to get their daughter in Harvard. Right from th beginning her parents plan o n getting her into the most reputed college. During this they concentrate only on good marks and when Opal fails in her interview as she lacks any social ethics, her parents change their plan to make her live her life as a normal American does. This book is hilarious at places. I would not say it is a 'must read' but its okay to once lay your hands on this.