Lauren Weisberger's - The Devil Wears Prada

Genre : Humor
Rating : 4/5
This title was in my to-watch list rather than in to-read list. And before I culd get hold of its DVD I came across its paperback edition in the monthly library sale.
It is that insubstantial chick lit u want to devour on cozy weekends or on tiresome weeknights. It is the self-tale of Andrea Sachs a 23 yr old 'Brown' graduate who is eager to take up any job that will lead to her dream job as a New Yorker writer. When she gets a interview as an assistant for fashion magazine Runaway's editor-in-chief Miranda Priestley, she is assured that Miranda is a guaranteed ticket to any job as publisher if Andrea proves herself in an yr’s tenure as Miranda's assistant. Less did she know that Miranda is looking for a puppet who would be required to do all sorts of jerkwater works as fetching coffee and lunch for Miranda (which should appear on her desk in couple minutes after she has asked for), arranging her table for lunch, cleaning her dishes, sending her dirty clothes to the dry cleaning, making an arrangement for the Harry Potter book for her 10 yr old twins on the day before the book is released. Miranda likes to keep all her employees on the toes even on the weekends. She has her own whimsical style of dealing with her employees. This book is full of Andrea's rants about her boss, told in a very humorous way. Not knowing ABC of the fashion world she hates her job and she hates her boss equally. She takes pleasure in all the gossips in the office that belittles her boss. Its only the hope of getting into New Yorker, that keeps her tied to the job.
Miranda Priestley is portrayed as the meanest, rude, unrealistic, spoiled or any adjective that u can think of in the similar terms. If you see her through Andrea's eyes you ought to hate her.. but she is THE manager, who can teach you 5yr's lessons in an yr's term. She is ungracious but she knows how to be at the pinnacle of success. She accepts no glitches from any of her employees and thats what the main character, Andrea, hates of her. Andrea fails to understand that she has unknowingly learnt a lot as an assistant to Miranda.
This book is jam-packed with the citation of top-class models, designers as Prada, Manola, Guccii and what not. I gulped many a times reading the price tags of the handbags, clothes and shoes these fashion world damsels wear in their day-to-day life. The book drones on the same thing from page 1 to the last and is predictable yet it is a page-turner coz u wait to know Miranda's next eccentric demand and Andrea's feat to full-fill it.