Richard Bach's - Illusions

Genre : Fiction
Rating : 5/5
Initially I always kept this small wonder in my car so that I can read it when I am waiting for someone / something. But as I read through couple of pages (20-30), 3-4 pages in single sitting, I realised this book deseves better concentration and shud be read continuously.
It is one of those philosophical books and yet not boring at all. Sprinkled with humor, this is one of the best books which tries to explain you your life is like an 'ILLUSION' and if you want to change it, you always can. It depends on how you view it. Similar to what they tried to explain in Matrix (I could not understand that movie at all) Even this book, when read 1st time, made me say...' Wow.. what did this book just say?' And the very next second I opened the first page and gave a cursor glance to entire book again! Though I could understand it well 2nd time I am still intrigued by it. I wont be surprised to find myself flipping through it again in the future.
It is the story of a pilot of sight-seeing planes, Richard and his interaction with Messiah, Donald Shimoda, also a barnstormer. Don's mystic behavior attracts Richard. He is in awe to see Don walk on river and swim through the land. Don explains it as Illusions. Don pursues Richard to become a Messiah and gives him a handbook for tips to be one – The Messiah's Manual (funny, isn't it?). This manual is full of brilliant quotes but is without any page number. Don says - Every time you open the book, the parable quoted on that page is right for you at that moment. For eg - When Richard is aprehensive about his friendship with Don, he opens the book and this is what is written on that page -
Don't turn away from possible futures before you are certain you don't have anything to learn from them.
I was amused to read this part of the fable – Donald says – We are all free to do whatever we want to do.... and Richard corrects him .. We are all free to do whatever we want to do, as long as we dont hurt somebody else. Adding the last part - as long as we dont hurt somebody else . When Donald is trying to explain his point, a vampire appears and asks Richard if he could suck his blood. Certainly, Richard denies and vampire returns being sad and hurt. That's when Donald explains that Richard chose to do whatever he wanted without caring Vampire's feelings and thats the reason why he did not add - as long as we dont hurt sombody else.
Totally illuminating conversations between Richard and Donald spiced with equally thought-provoking messages from the Handbook makes this book as one of the best truth-seeking book. Along with Richard you begin to believe how true the quotes are and are completely startled to read the last quote in the handbook. I better not reveal the quote!
Amongst all, my favorite was - Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.
This book is better than author's previous book Jonathan Livingston Seagull! Is that a proof enough that Illusions is really a must-read?
I think i will have to read this one..I started one long time back and haven't finished it..and looking at ur speed i feel pathetic abt myself.
~Sachin : I loved it absolutely! Dont miss any chance to read it :)
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